Oh my love I have wronged you. Deception is all but simple and I have lost my way. You are the best thing that ever happened to me and I treated you as a knave or stale maiden. You are royalty and were faulted for with false claims. I am so sorry, but now you are gone. You have passed and now I feel empty. I am your murderer and should have been your husband. I haveth dishonor you and the prince and myself. I was all but clear headed when I dishonored you. Oh my love I wish I could have you back as mine once more. For I feel incomplete without you. You deserve an explanation for what I did and why I did it. The evening before the wedding I was with Don John, and the Prince when Borachio and Margaret were involved …show more content…
I cannot believe he got to the bottom of this and investigated the truth. I just spoke to him and he was so unnecessarily tedious and couldn't get to the point, but none the less the truth was found. Mine eyes were clouded with emotions of disgust. Though I have since discovered that Dogberry came to thy father and tried to confess the truth, however he showed a lack of preciseness and said jumbled sentences confusing thy father. If there was a slight sense of initiative and the information was clear I would have found out and never disowned thee or embarrass myself. This possibility of a different reality makes my heart heavy and my stomach sick. I wish I knew I truly do. Thee deserved the best of men and I have shown the colors of a foolish and naive …show more content…
We will take Don John, Borachio, and Conrade to the king and queen of Aragon to shame them. I pray that the king shows no mercy in their punishments and can separate his feelings for his bastard son. Those men need to be found and killed. If it was my decision I would hang them all. They have dishonored the king and have mettled in my most personal affairs. When I find that bastardous, no good, scoundrel I will get a few good licks in before the prince has to hold me back so that he can receive punishment. I want to pummel that deceitful face of his so that no fair maiden we'll ever love him. I will hunt him down in the woods and drag him back to Messina unconscious. If the prince cannot disown himself then I will do it for him. The prince does not deserve the lack of respect and appreciation that Don John has