Unlike Macbeth, the knowledge of the prediction, makes Lady Macbeth confident in her husbands future, and her desire for the throne strengthens and so does her impatiences. She believed her husband’s nature was ‘too full o' th' milk of human kindness’ to assassinate his own monarch and interpreted it, is a weakness. The controlling, Lady Macbeth manipulated Macbeth into submission by stating ‘When you durst do it, then you are a man’ to emasculate his character. Without Lady Macbeth’s persuasive ability, Macbeth would have never undertaken the unlawful murder of King Duncan and the unethical rise to the crown. Lady Macbeth was unable to control Macbeth, as he continued the heinous crimes of ‘Murder most foul’ throughout his rule. Lady Macbeth realises that her ‘desire was got without content’ as the consequences of their murderous actions, where met with remorse and insanity. Overwhelmed with guilt, the audience is able to witness Lady Macbeth fade in to the background, as Macbeth’s overshadowing, corrupt rule, grows. Through his wife’s ambition, greed and manipulation Macbeth’s morals are destroyed and his downfall as a person and a monarch becomes…
Power can change people in a way that is incomprehensible either for good or for evil. Power can make one so greedy that someone will do anything for it and won’t let anyone, or thing stand in their way. Macbeth by William Shakespeare portrays both the positive and negative uses on Power through the main characters. Macbeth’s greed of power allowed him to exercise abuse and ultimately he was corrupted and destroyed by power. Lady Macbeth used power in a positive way but her ultimate goal was domination of the Crown. Shakespeare uses dialogue and symbolism to allow his readers to engage with his mood and therefore the concepts of power.…
In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, power that is wrongly obtained is misused throughout the course of the play. Power plays a major role in the tragic events of Macbeth. Most of the characters in the play strive for it. Although power is a key theme, Shakespeare shows that power that is unrightfully claimed is often used in a destructive manner. The power that Lady Macbeth and Macbeth stole was used wrongly and ultimately lead to the downfall of friendships, a marriage and a…
Macbeth filled with morality and respect, is very loyal to king Duncan. When Macbeth is first introduced, his bravery on the battlefield leads Duncan into crowning him with the formal tittle of Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth could not imagine committing treason of any kind because of his profound regard for the king. The encounter and the prophecies of the three witches triggered Macbeth’s ambitious nature. They appear to him with visions into his future saying, “ All hail Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter!” (1.3.52) From this point on, Macbeth begins to think about his desire to be king,…
In history power has shown to take over men, the personalities that many have come to known is all gone when power is introduced onto the scene. Power makes people do things they would have never thought about before, many famous leaders, when introduced to power will do anything to gain more. During “Macbeth” power does corrupt automatically, Macbeth’s reaction to the witches shows that she will do anything to gain power. Macbeth is willing to kill the witches to fulfill the prophecy. If you’re so hungry for power that you’re willing to kill then you know the person’s character has turned for the worse.…
At the start of the play Macbeth is brave and loyal and displays many of the attributes of a great king. However after conversing with the three witches his state of mind goes on a downward spiral eventually ending in his demise. His thirst for power and wealth cause him to act foolishly and with haste rather than waiting to see if the witches’ predictions come true. It is clear from Macbeths reaction to King Duncan telling Malcom that he will be Prince of Cumberland that Macbeths desires have already started to take a toll on his mind ‘That is a step on which I must fall down, or else o'erleap, For in my way it lies.’ (I. IV. 48). This clearly shows that ambition is taking away Macbeths rational thoughts and he is choosing to act without thought towards the consequences and is only focused on his goal of becoming…
People once they get a taste of it, they greed for more of it, what is it? Power is the answer, too. The force of power dwells in one’s mind and addicts them to it like a drug. Throughout the story of Macbeth, readers can see how power corrupts Macbeth and his wife and leads them to exploit it, becoming heartless, and leading them to become a tyrant who greeds for more. In the first stage of power, it starts corrupting the way people think and leading them to a dark ending.…
Macbeth needed to kill King Duncan in order to get closer to his goal of becoming King but was scared. Macbeth states, “[I]f th’ assassination/ Could trammel up the consequence and catch,/ With his surcease, success; that but this blow/ Might be the be-all and the end-all here,/ But here, upon this bank and shoal of time,/ We’d jump the life to come.” (1.7.2-7). Macbeth is weak and does not have the courage to commit murder. He fears all the consequences and problems that will arise if the King is murdered. A man that is weak and lacks courage shows a feminine quality according to the stereotypical gender roles. Furthermore, Macbeth feels guilty after killing King Duncan in his sleep. He states, “ Methought I heard a voice cry 'sleep no more!/ Macbeth does murder sleep', the innocent sleep,/ Sleep that knits up the ravelled sleave of care,/ The death of each day's life, sore labour's bath,/ Balm of hurt minds,” (2.2.35-39). Macbeth kills King Duncan and he starts to hear voices in his head because of the guilt. Macbeth experiences a shock of hearing these voices as he realizes what he has done. Not to mention, he is weak and cannot control his actions after the murder as he fails to hide the evidence, the dagger. The stereotypical gender roles subvert as weakness is seen as a feminine quality. Then, Macbeth kills the family of Macduff by planning murders using his power. He states, “To crown my thoughts with acts, be it thought and done:/ The castle of Macduff I will surprise/ Seize upon Fife, give to th’ edge o’th’ sword/ His wife, his babies, and all unfortunate souls/ That trace him in his line.” (4.1.149-153). Macbeth feels powerful and wants to take desperate actions. He uses his power as he wants to attack the castle of Macduff. The plan also includes murdering the family of Macduff. Macbeth gets the family killed and is showing signs of power during…
As a result, her desire for power allows her to be stronger, more remorseless, and more driven than Macbeth. In fact, she is fully aware of this when she declares that Macbeth is "art not without ambition, but without the illness should attend it.” This is why Lady Macbeth acts not only as Macbeth's confidant, but his also his controller. Consumed by her desire to become Queen, Lady Macbeth herself plots the murder of Duncan and when Macbeth questions the idea of regicide, she manipulates him with her powerful soliloquies. This is done by condemning her husband’s biggest insecurity; his manhood. She states that Macbeth would be “so much more the man” if he were to follow through with the plan. Lady Macbeth even points out that she herself would even kill her own baby as a means to reach her goals. This drives Macbeth to the point where he is “settled and bend-up” to prove himself. Her condescending inspiration is the first to trigger a change in his morals and attitude. However, as Macbeth’s own ambition starts to flourish and facilitate an obsessive and power hungry killing spree, Lady Macbeth’s character changes as well. She becomes helpless and is reduced to a weak figure that sleepwalks and is constantly trying to wash nonexistent blood from her hands. This is because she is so overwhelmed by the guilt of her treachery that a…
Many people want to obtain power to satisfy their needs. Once the individual gains the power, they continue to strive to gain more without acknowledging the consequences until later. In William Shakespeare's Elizabethan tragedy Macbeth, the corruptive quality of power influences the individual to go against their nature in order to obtain power by any means necessary. Shakespeare utilizes the motif of blood to show that the steps taken to obtain power will not always yield favorable results and the consequences will stay with the individual.…
Everyone wants power. Even the most humble among us can be caught cutting the line at Target, cheating on a test, or using a tiny white lie on a resume to set themselves apart. We all want to stand out and feel superior to the average Joe. Shakespeare’s Macbeth shows how fast a person can change as a result of the desire for power. Lady Macbeth provides a perfect example of how power can corrupt a person’s life. After becoming the queen, Lady Macbeth’s downfall starts as guilt and remorse catches up to her. Having a royal status changes how she sees things around her and ultimately leads to her demise.…
In the play "Macbeth", Shakespeare illustrates the evil temptations created by the lust for power. Shakespeare uses characters such as Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to show the corruption caused by the desire for more supremacy. Macbeth, being a Scottish General and the Thane of Glamis, is superior to almost everyone and commands much authority. His appetite for power increases when the three witches prophesize his future, in which they foretell him to become the Thane of Cawdor and then eventually the King of Scotland. When the first prognosis becomes a reality, Macbeth realizes the rectitude behind the witches' prophecies. Lady Macbeth, his wife, also finds out about the foretelling. They both know that Macbeth is eventually going to be the king, but Lady Macbeth wants Macbeth to speed up that process by assassinating King Duncan. Ensuing a brilliant plan to execute the king, Macbeth succeeds to isolate him but refrains from murdering him. Lady Macbeth pressures Macbeth to murder Duncan, by questioning his manhood should he not follow through with the plan as promised. She challenges him to defend his manhood, asserts her "masculine" dominance and renounces her own femininity.…
Frank Herbert once said, "Power attracts the corruptible. Absolute power attracts the absolutely corruptible.” In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the title character seizes “absolute power”, making him “absolutely corruptible”, which ultimately led him to his eventual death. In the play, Macbeth, the title character, seizes absolute power over his people when he brutally kills the real king to be crowned the new king of Scotland. Achieving power in this way allows him to be consumed by guilt and fear at first, which then develops into violence and the demise of both him, his wife, and ultimately his reign. Through examining the consequences that both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth face after trying to achieve power, it is clear that wrongly seizing power…
The time has come, and the plan must go into effect immediately. Macbeth seems anxious but it must be done in order for Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to be in power. “I go, and it is done: the bell invites me. Hear it not, Duncan, for it is a knell that summons thee to heaven, or to hell” (2.1. 62-64). Macbeth’s duty is this, and the time has come. Killing the king is his job in order to be in power which is what they want. Even though the consequences could be death he knows that it must be done and he finally is showing courage to do this when before he wasn’t convinced to kill the king. Know that the deed is done, Macbeth must then move on to the next part of the plan. Which is staging the murder of king Duncan on his wasted guards. “I am afraid to think what I have done, look on’t again I dare not. Infirm of purpose! Give me the daggers, the sleeping and the dead are but as pictures. Tis the eye of childhood that fears a painted devil” (2.2. 50-54). After killing the king the next part was the staging of the guards, but Macbeth becomes soft/cowardly and can’t go through seeing what he has just done, that meaning, he can not finish the job. Lady Macbeth must now do Macbeth’s part and stage the guards with the bloody daggers, so she takes the daggers from the cowardly Macbeth, walks to the guards and disguises it to wear the guards killed king Duncan. Macbeth is known…
The play Macbeth by William Shakespeare is still a well known a widely studied text, despite having been written many centuries ago. Arguably one of the most pivotal themes of the play is that of power, which is looked at in many different ways and lights in the text. Ultimately, Shakespeare does not seem to support the commonly held view that power corrupts. Rather, he suggests that the desire to attain power is a trait of most people, to some degree or another, and that when an individual has that desire particularly strongly, or when their desire is increased by them sensing an opportunity, they will be willing to compromise their morals in order to pursue their goals. He also suggests through his characters’ actions that the desire for power is insatiable, and will continue with the same strength even when greater power is attained, or when one starts from a powerful position. This desire for power drives the actions of the central characters, and by extension it drives the plot forward. It is also the thing that gives the play the main hallmarks of the tragedy; the central, originally noble character’s descent into moral corruption and, ultimately, death.…