By: Keith Thicklin
By: Keith Thicklin
I agree that lying, for the most part, is bad. However, I think it is necessary in order to spare someone’s feelings.…
Lying is sometimes acceptable justable when you are trying to protect others or yourself. For example, Barbara Ballinger says “If you’re hiding Anne Frank in your attic because her life is on danger” (Ballinger P11). This shows that it is okay lie if you are protecting someone.…
Lies are told around the world multiple times during the day. Everyone sitting in this room has probably once today, said a lie. Sometimes lying is understandable for someone’s protection but sometimes the truth is essential to the person. There are multiple things people say in a day that are seen as lies such as “That outfit looks really good on you!,” “It wasn’t me!” and “I’ll be with you in a few minutes.” Honestly is not always the best policy because in the end it does not make everything better. People tell little lies so that they protect someone they care about and not hurt the feelings of another person. Honesty not always being the best policy is showed in The Scarlet Letter, “Tell All The Truth” poem, the “He Lies” video,…
The debate over the acceptability of lying is a complicated one. Some feel that it is morally wrong and only ever worsens a situation. Others feel that it is acceptable in cases where feelings could be hurt, or if a person’s self-esteem may be lowered. However, there are instances in which lying happens simply to avoid the consequences of a person’s actions, and most would agree that it is morally wrong. Instead of going back and forth between “lying is wrong” and “lying is okay sometimes,” a better use of our time would be learning to improve our honesty with ourselves and with the people around…
Lying is, arguably, needed in our everyday lifestyle and used to protect someone and or something; a friendship, or even protect someone from stressing…
One time I tried going a couple of days without telling a lie, and it was devastating. I noticed that telling the truth all the time is very impossible. Telling the truth comes with some serious consequences: Bank of America charges me 50 dollars fee for going over my limit, lost my best friend because I told her how I truly feel, and I received a failing grade for telling my teacher I didn’t feel like being on time to class today. Basically there must be some type of merit to not telling the truth.…
In a new Associated Presslpsos poll over half people said, lying was never justified.But in the same poll,two-thirds said it was ok to lie in certain situations,like protecting someone’s feelings.I firmly believe that lying is acceptable in our society.…
Should lying ever be considered an action to do? Lying has been considered a wrongful deed however people still do it for multiple reasons. Even though most of the time people should tell the truth, there are situations where it's better to manipulate the facts. For example according to “It’s the Truth: Americans Conflicted about Lying” ethics columnist Randy Cohen states that lying is used to protect people from harm. Tim from “Teens do their share of lying” says that lying can save one from a beatdown by their parents. Brad Blanton from “Brad Blanton: Honestly Tell the Truth” however states that lying is stressful to one and telling the truth is easier, but a lie can help people out and no one can be honest all the time.…
If it is a lie that will be only a little beneficial, but could have huge consequences, don't tell it. Only lie when necessary, because getting caught in a lie even once can mean never being trusted again.…
We have all told lies in our lives, some more than others. Whether it was an excuse to cover up why you were late for work, or lying to your mom about how good her dinner was, et cetera. It’s human nature to tell the occasional lie; however, the defining difference between a regular person telling simple lies, and a Pathological Liar is as follows.…
Have you ever lied to protect someone you were close to? Sometimes lying is okay even though some people think it’s so horrible. Lying is sometimes allowable!…
3. Many people believe it is okay to lie as long as you are not hurting anyone in the process. I believe that for every lie you tell will come back to get you. As a teenager, I called out of work using the excuse that my car broke down because I wanted to spend time with my friends instead. When I went to leave my house to meet my friends, my car would not start.…
Overall, it's not worth risking to lie than to tell the truth, people would feel…
I believe honesty is the best policy but if the truth will hurt some ones feeling I think sometimes lying in small circumstance would be a better choice. Personally I would prefer to be told the truth all the time, but I know a lot of people who are sensitive and they would be offended by the truth. I disagree with Immanuel Kant telling a small lie to spare…
I believe lying is sometimes the right thing to do. This is because I hate my mother. Not a minor dislike, a burning, fiery, passionate hatred. She is also severely mentally ill. Telling her I hated her would make this worse; so I lie. Telling the truth would cause far more harm than good and lying only hurts me, in this case. If there is one example where lying is the better thing to do, then I believe there are more. I feel that when the truth gains no-one and the lie benefits people - so long as it is a little thing - lying can be ok.…