The complete and total decimation of New France is near if we cannot increase population imidiately.
The immigration rate of people to new france is declining over time, and this is causing large amounts of unmarried men to continue wokring without finding women to produce a population for the new nation, thus resulting in the population declining over time and ultimatly causing an impending failure to create a nation. In order to attract more to immigrate to the new nation, and to encourage the growth of population within new france the benefits must be increased in order to intice immigrants and citizens alike to help expand and grow the nation.
The Issue:
In 1604 the first wave of immigrants from france had come over to the new land, and most of them were young men, and ever since then we've had few women, with the only major waves being the Filles Du Roi, and the some 2,000 women apart of the first 10,000 immigrants, all from the years 1612 to 1636.
The current state of new france sems to be quite the perdicimant, we have large amounts of men, and in comparison miniscule amounts of women, we have such a depreciaion in immigration rates that if our repopulation rate decreases enough we could possibly just run out of people in the nation.
Currently our attempts at taking on the scenario have been faulty by rewarding the families children
Steps Involved: 1. We need to vouche for the benefits of moving more, this can easily be acheived by increasing propoganda within france. 2. After that we need to adjust benefits:
Increase the amount of land given to new immigrants
Increase the amount of money given per 10 children increase imports and the growing of fruit to abolish rumors of scurvy 3. After this is setteld we will need to emberse current citizens of the difference for the new benefits.