
Decision Making In Romeo And Juliet

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Decision Making In Romeo And Juliet
Would you get married at 13 years old? Well this is exactly what Romeo and Juliet did in shakespeare's playwright Romeo and Juliet. but would they still do it if they lived in today's day and age? The characters in Romeo and Juliet are realistic because they have similar traits to today's teens like poor decision making, emotion over takes logic, and impulsive behavior. The characters in Romeo and Juliet make poor decisions when faced with an obstacle just like today's teens. According to Frances E. Jensen author of The teenage brain “The emotional center of the brain, the limbic system, which controls emotions, is fully connected, but the frontal lobe that sharpens critical thinking isn’t well connected,” (Griffin 11). This means that the part of the teenage brain that is responsible for decision making isn't fully developed making decisions hard to make, especially in stressful times. In Shannon Brownlee article Inside the Teenage Brain she writes “Until the prefrontal cortex has been pruned, most young teenagers don't yet have all the brain power they need to make good judgments,” (Brownlee 3). In this quote pruned means …show more content…
In a article by Liz Griffin called The Developing Teenage Brain, she talked to a leading neurologist on the paradox of the strengths and vulnerabilities of adolescents’ brains named Frances Jensen. Jensen explained “They have trouble abstracting issues and making decisions in real time as rapidly as adults.” and “We now know that when adolescents are stressed or fearful, their limbic system is activated twice as high as a child’s or adult’s. In the moment, their reaction to small things is the way our adult brains would react to an international incident,” (Griffin 13). In this she explained to people that the teen brain has a harder times thinking of logical decisions. Adults can comprehend a solution to a problem faster than

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