With the majority of our providers being senior officers, who are set in the military hierarchy of leadership and rank structure, they often exude any willingnessto listen to information provided by those of less rank or position. This is especially important when it involves adding improvement activities into a systematic, organization wide approach. Leaders are supposed to ensure that necessary processes and structures are in place to carry out performance improvement activities, while all services and disciplines collaborate to implement the change. Having all the departments begin to trust and communicate with each other will be a challenge, a challenge that could be overcome with the support of …show more content…
The managerial skill of delegating is essential to the smooth operations of the day-to-day activities of an organization. This timeless principle makes successful managers and successful companies even better. Within my organization, they have utilized the practice of delegating to be able to serve the community with a wide array of healthcare services. The success of this type of leadership ability has been proven by the success of the hospital itself. This facility opened its doors a mere four years ago with no established structure or organization to lead it. Starting with its administration, it developed the tiers of leadership and ancillary staff to make it the strong, successful organization that it is today. This is due to strong leadership with a focus on implementing strategic goals and having the ability to delegate the responsibility of achieving these goals to all levels of