Vol. 3 No. 2 2007
Decision Support Systems and Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Aid of
Information Systems Based Marketing
John Crunk, Max M. North
Southern Polytechnic State University, Georgia, USA
[Abstract] The primary goal of this study is to predict the next logical and practical approach
in the use of advanced Decision Support Systems (DSS) and Artificial Intelligence to find and evaluate markets for prospective products. In addition to determining these markets, DSS will then be used to predict the success of the market and other product lines that can be brought to those markets, making companies more successful in the structuring of marketing models and product lines.
[keywords] Decision support system; artificial intelligence; marketing; DSS; marketing model;
IST; IS; global marketing
Information Systems Technology (IST) is becoming a more prominent part of global marketing. With the aid of IST, companies can become competitive in all phases of customer relations (Ives and Learmonth, 1984). The use of information technology for finding markets is expanding, enabling companies to keep up with prospective markets in today’s dynamic economy. IST accomplishes this feat by helping marketing departments determine targets for their products and charting the most effective way to cover the largest market in the shortest amount of time. They also enable marketing to establish trends so that new products coming to market can be quickly evaluated and decisions made on the best placement for these products. Information Systems (IS) today are designed with reusability in mind. They span multiple markets, enabling companies that design products to sell them to several different companies interested in gaining an edge with respect to the marketing of their products (Bakos, 1991).
IS includes Advanced Decision Support Systems (DSS) that are able to assist businesses in
References: AMOS, (2007). Product Overview. Retrieved 3/21/2007 from http://www.spss.com/amos/. Bakos, J. (1991). Information Links and Electronic Marketplaces: The Role of Interorganizational Information Systems in Vertical Markets. Ives, B., Learmonth, G. (1984). The Information System as a Competitive Weapon. Li, S. (2007). AgentStra: An Internet-based multi-agent intelligent system for strategic decision-making MaLec, R. (2002). Using DSS for Marketing Decision-Making: The MDSS, Central Michigan University. Ronald Rubin and William Leigh (2000). Mining Customer Intelligence: A Practical Framework for the Development of a Database Marketing System for the Small Power, D.J. (2003). A Brief History of Decision Support Systems, DSSResources.COM, World Wide Web, http://DSSResources.COM/history/deshistory.html, version 2.8, May 31, 2003. Ullah, S. (2005), A fuzzy decision model for conceptual design, Systems Engineering, volume 8, Issue 4, Pages 296 – 308, Retrieved 3/21/2007 from