
Declaration Of Independence Reflection

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Declaration Of Independence Reflection
The one part of the Declaration of Independence that is reflected in 2016 is the part where it quotes,"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights…”. The right that the Declaration of Independence promises in 1776 is giving the right of the people to choose their own leaders. It also gives the people the right to get rid of their king is they wanted to if they think the king won’t be fit to fulfill his job. The Declaration of Independence explains how the people are natural rights and can be able to alter the laws and without that, the government would not exist. Government exists with the support of the people and it is still happening until this day. In 2016, I believe that the ideals are living up some of the expectations, but not as fully as we have expected to be especially around the 21st century here in the US. …show more content…
It was back then when Kings were treated like a god and if you go to King George, you get hanged. This is the reason the Declaration of Independence is created. It was a way for the people create a country where we can create a democracy. It is where we can choose the person we trust to have supreme power and control to our country. In 2016, the United States are still following the old traditions, with the people still getting to choose which of the presidential candidate will have the capabilities to get the responsibility to control and fix our country on this year's election. This fulfills the part in the Declaration of Independence about people have "unalienable rights" , where people will always have that natural right that should not be taken away by

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