Have you ever wondered if letting children listen to whatever music they wanted to would ever have a bad influence on them? Parents today try and control what their kids listen to, but they sometimes end up failing. Since teens and young adults have the largest influence on music, they are the ones who will decide what will be the most popular music genre in pop culture. Some parents believe that letting their children listen to “gangster rap” or any other form of harmful and vulgar music will turn them into a psychopathic cop killer. With the this being true in some cases, it can be a cause for concern. The problem that most parents actually have with these types of harmful music is that it changes the way their children act and speak towards…
Eberstadt presents the parental agenda’s question regarding the influence of today’s popular music on teenagers. She states that recent studies and articles have invested time and concern in connecting contemporary music to possible violence, citing an incident in 2000 where multiple associations teamed up to present a statement on violent entertainment and its affect on children to Congress. She then turns the question around to ask her own for society. Eberstadt wants to know why American teenagers are attracted to the music of today and what it says about them. She uses rapper Eminem to find the answer.…
With new generations, there tends to be changes in morals and values. Observing the youth of today, it seems that morals and values are being forgotten. Teens take pleasure in abusing…
I strongly believe that you need to give your children the freedom to make their own choices in the paths they take in their lives. If you don’t they might rebel and make poor choices that can lead to a poor lifestyle. Although you do have to step in every once in a while but I believe you need to make these interferences in their lives a very rare occasion. For instance when it comes to negative rap music and their videos; I believe a parent needs to step in and explain to the child why they shouldn’t watch this type of music video or listen to this type of music. And also shield the child to the best of their power.…
According to studies, 69 percent of all of the songs that are played on the radio have at least one reference towards sex. 31 percent of the songs on the radio have at least one reference toward drugs. Another study shows that kids spend 2.2 hours every day listening to music. Also parents feel that today’s music is exposing their children to inappropriate language. Hip-Hop always deal with having complaints about rappers using explicit language in their songs and kids are listening to this music.…
In the article Rap and Moral Character by Susan Dwyer, the subject of concern is the consequences of listening to rap music and the effect it has on moral character. The author argues that rap music contribute to the corruption of moral character, it is misogynistic, promotes violence and street crime. In this paper I will examine the author’s claims, use of key concepts, and her reasoning. By doing so, I will be able to demonstrate that Dwyer’s thesis is unjust and unsupported. In what follows, I will analyze the claims to show that the author’s arguments are irrelevant and lack sufficient evidence to support her thesis. Secondly, I will examine the author’s reasoning to point out fallacious reasoning and lastly I will evaluate her use of key concepts.…
Kids that do not have someone that provides moral support to depend on, tend to be more vulnerable to fall for the negative influence of the rock and rap violent lyrics. Kids that do not have a parental figure or an exemplary role model are being raised by the aggressive lyrics of rap or rock music. The fans that fall under the influence of the violent music lyrics are the ones that suffer the consequence and not the artists. The artist say, “It’s just entertainment,” when in reality “it‘s parenting.”(Moultry, P.J. (2007, Nov). Parents should control their kids on what type of music they listen to and explain what is right and wrong.…
This article elaborates on the negative effects of Rap Music on the minds of young people. In a specific example, Too Short, a rapper well-known for his degrading music, is chastised for promoting sexual assault to woman among middle school aged boys. He profusely apologizes for his behaviour and uses…
Ever since music became a big thing in teen’s lives, there has been controversy around the idea that kids should not be exposed to some lyrics because of how it influences them. From rock and roll and metal, to pop, rap, and hip hop, there are, and always will be lyrics out there that are not always appropriate or anything that children should be listening to.There has been an issue with song lyrics being blamed for causing teen’s rebellious, or irresponsible actions, but there has never been anything that can strongly support the idea.…
One problem that seems to be increasing over time is the unmarried birth rates in America. Increasing from 18.4% of all births in 1980 to over 40% in 2010(FP-12-06), the current rate is showing that over the last 3 decades teens are becoming more apt to engage in pre-marital sex. The changing in norms and values over the past three decades has lead to a huge increase in unmarried birth rates increasing. It’s not really against cultural norms to engage in the hook-up or have sex with more than one partner in your life like it used to be. Over half of all minority births were to unmarried women, with an alarming 74% of births among black women, 54% to Hispanics(FP-12-06). 74% of blacks while nearly 50% of them were single, also common amongst Hispanics almost 20%(FP-12-06). On the other hand Whites are at a low 30% total of all births being premarital (FP-12-06). Among teens experiencing a nonmarital birth, 45% of the babies were born to single mothers versus 44% to cohabiting mothers(FP-12-06). According to statistics, the increase of age is related to increased rate of cohabiting unmarried births, with a decrease in single mothers. Based on statistics mothers who are less educated are more likely to have premarital birth than those who are highly educated. Minorities leading the way with the most premarital babies, over half being single mothers, this plays a big role in a majority being drop and having to work to support the baby. Causing a developing an endless cycle amongst blacks and other minorities. With the mother having little education, education thus becomes second to the child, and only having one parent present can develop some withdrawal from love. Thus at a young age the child then goes searching for this love and can come at the cost of a premarital baby.…
Rap continues to evoke a clash of ideas and concepts between critics, who say rap music glorifies violence, and artists who are claiming their freedom to express themselves and tell their story. The main criterion for rap music controversy is the explicit lyrics and how they influence young people’s way of life and speech. Rap so often talks about drugs, alcohol, and violence to be norms in…
[Rose 3]. The lyrics in rap music create a belief within society to cause violence in ways such as dehumanizing women as “sex objects” and brainwashing young people to glorify murder and drugs, however, others believe it serves more as a voice for…
In the society that we have grown up in, the youth are continuing to face numerous…
Throughout history the human population has been attracted to music. Whether it be part of a ritual, an emotional release, religious reasons, or just for listening pleasure music has been at the center of our society. We have used music to express ourselves, tell stories, and let others into our thoughts. From infancy to adulthood it is an integral part of our lives. Adolescents become absorbed in songs they believe help better define them into this rocky transition into adulthood. However, we often wonder whether what we are saying has an effect on the listening audience. Recently, in the 1990's references have often been made to link violent, early teen sex, drugs and deviant behavior to music and certain music genres. Music recordings should…
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