Black Hills State University
With the differing views of political parties, the debate regarding the legalization of marijuana has been an ongoing controversy that has shown the ability to divide persona and social attitudes especially in regards to an individual’s political party affiliation and their political views. To determine the validity of the above given statement, data was gathered from the General Social Surveys ranging from 1994-2000. The data was analyzed using a linear regression model. Preliminary results have indicated that there is no statistically significant relationship between an individual’s attitude and their political party affiliation and or their political …show more content…
As a result, I predict that an individual’s political party affiliation and will have a strong influence on their attitudes towards the legalization of marijuana. In my supposition, I predict that individuals who have a Liberal view will more likely favor the legalization of marijuana on the grounds the benefits to society in that it can be an economic benefit via taxation of marijuana, producing more revenue for state and local governments. I anticipate an increase in education steers people toward the Democratic Party, which favors the decriminalization of …show more content…
Another aspect would be an in depth study of the various attitudes that support the legalization of marijuana and how an individual’s attitude plays into their voting decision. Lastly, it is recommended that more up-to-date information be obtained that will provide results with a greater level of significance.
CBS News, 60 Minutes. The New York Times and Vanity Fair. CBS News/60
Minutes/New York Times/Vanity Fair Monthly Poll #2, October 2010. ICPSR33062-v1. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2012-03-20. doi:10.3886/ICPSR33062.v1
Cleveland, H. H., & Wiebe, R. P. (2008). Understanding the association between adolescent marijuana use and later serious drug use: Gateway effect or developmental trajectory? Development and Psychopathology, 20(2), 615-32. doi:
Ferner, Matt. (Oct 2012). Tony Ryan, Former Denver Cop: 'Regulating Marijuana Will
Allow Law Enforcement to Direct Resources Toward Serious Crime’ Denver Huffington Post.