Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has become an efficient method in treating various neurological disorders, including the symptoms of Parkinson's disease (U of JH Med, 2001). The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) is providing support for advancements in deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus to aid in coordination of movement and the reduction of tremors of the arms and legs (NINDS, 2007). Presently deep brain stimulation is only administered to patients whose symptoms can not be controlled with medication (NINDS, 2007). This method utilizes an electrode, implanted deep in the brain, and a battery pack to send an electrical shock down …show more content…
Montgomery and the department of neurology in the University of Wisconsin (2005) conducted a study to examine effects of subthalamic nucleus stimulation patterns on motor performance in Parkinson's disease. There were seven participants between the ages of 44 and 75, all diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. After administering the DBS devices in all the participants, the participants were asked to move their wrists in different angles correlating with numbered lights. For example, when the number 5 was lit, the participants wrist should have been pointed towards the number 5 LED. The numbers were arranged in a semi-circular formation on a board with two mechanical stops at the ends to reduce "bouncing back" from tremors. The participants were allowed ample time for practice until they were proficient in the test. All the participants were on their usual doses of medication as well. This was done to reduce the risk of a confounding variable as cause of their results. Different patterns of deep brain stimulations were introduced to the participants during the course of their measurements. The efficiency of how precise their angle was and the time it took them to make the angle with their wrist was measured. Montgomery tries to understand how different patterns of stimulation affect outcomes in motor …show more content…
These results suggest that the strength or frequency of the stimulation signal is not the sole reason for the aid in coordination, but that the patterns of stimulations can produce different motor outcomes on the patients of Parkinson's disease. More research on how these patterns affect the globus pallidus of the basal ganglia and other structures can be sprouted from this study. In addition, stimulation of other structures of the brain, and the resulting outcome can yield valuable information to curing many other neurological disorders. Research in deep brain stimulation may produce valuable methods for treating myriad neurological