Eng 101
MWF 8am
Deep Ecology v. Native American Beliefs Born in 1912, philosopher Arne Naess created the ideas, and term “Deep Ecology” to portray the ideas that nature itself, has greater value than just its use by human beings. He states that all life forms have the right to flourish and reach its full potential without human interference (First Principle). He expressed these ideas through the 8 principles of Deep Ecology, which, in my eyes are extremely similar to traditional Native American beliefs and stories in the writings of Linda Hogan and Barry Lopez. In his 8 principles Naess states that the richness and diversity in life forms contribute to the realization of these values and are also values in themselves (Second principle). The third principle states that humans have no right to reduce this richness and diversity except to satisfy vital needs. This idea is one that a large number of Native American tribes also exercise to an extreme. If an animal was killed, the meat would be used for food however, the skins were used as clothing, and bones crafted into tools, even intestines were used as rope. …show more content…
In her Essay “Creations” in Heart of the Land: Essays on Last Great Places, she teaches the reader of the way of life of many native tribes with her beautiful style of writing. In the case of the Maya, she states their beliefs of how each day in the beginning of time acted as a being in itself, each day creating the things the Mayans held most dear to their beliefs. The sky, the earth, the soil and rain, stone and tree were modeled inside the sun. Then she begins to talk about how the people themselves grew out of the land like corn, and believed that their purpose on earth was to preserve what time had put into place, and continue on the stories and memories of the passage of