Have you ever thought of what was at the bottom of the ocean, or far in space? Have you ever wondered what kinds of creatures lurk in the Mariana Trench? Many of these questions can be answered if you support one simple thing: Deep Exploration! Deep Exploration would possibly allow us to find a new species, or even a species we thought was extinct! It’s a risky business, but think of all of the knowledge we would gain from it!
Almost all of our technology is expensive and modern, showing how much we have learned from space exploration and deep sea exploration. Research states that NASA is working on a new shuttle for space exploration, and NASA has confirmed this, the shuttle will weigh much less …show more content…
than a regular spacecraft would! Further research states that NASA is also working on a deep space habitable center, that has been exiting the prototype stage since 2010. If we could get these two inventions into space, even on The Moon or Mars, it would be the cost of a lifetime, considering how much space missions cost. We would need a very very high amount of money in order to build both of these without going bankrupt.
Did you know that we have only explored only five percent of the oceans? It may sound like a lie, but it’s completely true! Our scientists have been working hard to try to turn this measly five percent into 100 percent! The new technology we have made is opening up new kinds of technology, so that we can explore not only the ocean, but space as well. Many people are against this new study, but even more are with it.
When you were young, did anyone ever tell you that mermaids or aliens weren’t real, and to stop believing in them?
I suppose that people only told us this because they didn’t believe, and that they thought we’ve explored the entire ocean, or all of space. Humans have only explored about five percent of the ocean, and less than four percent of space. Next time someone tells you to grow up, show them this essay. There’s no reason not to believe.
Yes, I am aware that I listed only positives, so to counter them, here are a few negatives about Deep Exploration. Many people don’t know what kinds of creatures lurk in the ocean. Almost all of these explorers have a wife and kind or a husband and kids at home, waiting for them. The ocean has pressure, and it hurts when you’re being crushed to death at 200 meters below sea level. Even for me, that last sentence was a little dark.
Now that you know the reasons on why and why not we should explore outer space and the deep ocean, you can use this knowledge for your own benefit. Prove your friends and family wrong with these facts, and show them who’s the fact master. Warning: Your friends and family may not like you after you prove your facts and show that you’re the fact master. Please take caution with your new and amazing knowledge. No refunds on the amazing facts of the ocean and deep