-this refers to the sequence of the changing ratios of 18O to 16O in the shells of tiny marine organisms called foraminifera found in sediment layers at the bottom of the ocean…
Individual Assignment: The Atmosphere and the Oceans 007527 Exam Study Guide 007527RR 007527…
· Living things in the ocean die and get buried in the sediments in the ocean…
Marine habitat – the domains and kingdoms; evolution by natural selection; Organisms: plankton, nekton, benthos; in which environment do we see most diversity?...…
On the Digermulen Peninsula, the succession starts with the classic Neoproterozoic glacial tillite of the Mortensnes Formation (Fig. 3). This tillite has traditionally been tentatively correlated by many workers (e.g., Rice et al. 2011, and references therein) with the type 'Gaskiers' glaciogenic succession in Newfoundland, which is between 584 and 582 Ma old, based on zircon U–Pb ages from intercalated ash beds (Bowring et al. 2002). The Mortensnes Formation is separated downwards from the 'Marinoan' (Cryogenian) glacial deposits of the Smalfjord Formation by some 400 m of siliciclastic sediments of the Nyborg Formation (Fig. 2). Nystuen et al. (2016) recently suggested that the Mortensnes Formation probably correlates with the 'Marinoan'…
The Deep Sea World hypothesis, is many simple metabolic reactions emerging near ancient seafloor hot springs, could be a possibility to the beginning of life. In 1977, scientists discovered biological communities living near seafloor deep sea vents. They were far from sunlight, and were living off of chemical soup that would spew from the underwater geysers. This lead scientists such as Jeff Seawald to…
Imagine if you were stuck underwater as an animal that could only move as fast as a turtle trying to run away from a predator;. What would you do- would you fight or try to outrun the attacker. Well, if you could expel your guts, you would answer differently. According to Dictionary.com, ecosystem means, “a system, or a group of interconnected elements, formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their environment.” This zone is located on continental shelf. In this zone there is plenty of sunlight zone. This zone has low water pressure as well as a constant temperature. An animal is lucky to live here because there are lots of organisms live here! This zone is also known as the sunlit zone and sublittoral zone. Thesis: Like…
The article in New York Times talks about the spacecraft that was sent into space 36 years ago and recently NASA was able to send a newer version of it into space. Voyage 1 was initially designed as a four-year mission to Saturn. It is the first spacecraft to exit our solar system. This will help scientists to explore the outside of our solar system. Voyage 1 stopped sending pictures however; it helped scientists to attain pictures of Saturn and Jupiter. Voyage 2 will be able to send better pictures and scientists expect it to exit our solar system in a few years. NASA has high hopes for the new and improved Voyage 2. By improving a spacecraft they will be able to get better samples and images of other planets further than Saturn and Jupiter and maybe even see what's outside of the solar system. They made a prediction that it will pass some stars and will be pulled by their gravity. I found this article interesting because nobody has yet seen what the outside of our solar system is like. Maybe NASA will be able to state some groundbreaking news from the new pictures that they will attain.…
3. The plankton counts below were obtained after collecting sea water sample 20 times using a plankton…
It now appears as though these marine worms are direct descendants from the ancient forms.<br><br>The Ediacaran organisms are a clear foreshadowing of one of the most dramatic events in all of life's history-the rapid expansion of shell-bearing organisms. The earth's early atmosphere was made up largely of carbon dioxide, water vapor and nitrogen. While the present atmosphere contains the preceding three elements, it also contains large quantities of oxygen. Geologists now believe that this expansion of life was a direct result of the fact that the atmosphere first accumulated abundant oxygen at this time. To contrast this, many modern descendants of the organisms present during the Precambrian such as blue-green algae do not require oxygen to survive. Oxygen is released as a waste product of photosynthesis by the blue-green algae, but would have combined with oxygen-deficient elements in the water, rather escaping into the atmosphere. However, eventually, most of these elements would become oxidized and the oxygen would begin to accumulate in the ocean before being released into the atmosphere. This paved the way for the rapid expansion of oxygen…
The carbon fixed by oceanic diatoms is equivalent to the organic carbon produced by all of the terrestrial rainforests combined (Nelson et al. 1995). Diatoms not only generate organic carbon from carbon dioxide, but also play a major role in the ‘biological pump’, wherein nutrients (N, P, Fe, Si, trace metals) are taken up in the euphotic zone and sink to the benthos as biological material incorporated into fecal pellets or marine snow. Nearly half of the sinking organic carbon produced by diatoms is consumed by bacteria and remineralized into the upper ocean as inorganic nutrients, a process referred to as the microbial loop (Azam et al. 1983). Microbial remineralization is essential to maintain nutrients in this system (Williams and Yentsch 1976; Cole 1982), including silica, which otherwise may limit diatom growth (Bidle et al.…
What organisms in the seawater could account for the increase in chlorophyll content and biological productivity that his research group observed? Phytoplankton, and that the iron supplement stimulated plant growth, verifying that at least some phytoplankton species suffered from iron deficiency, Phytoplankton grew so successfully that concentrations of the photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll increased by a factor of 30 to 40 in the water, accounting for the green color. Scientists measured a marked decrease in the carbon dioxide concentration of the water. Because this part of the Pacific normally vents carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the experiment reduced the natural flow of the greenhouse gas into the air.…
Microorganisms are an essential factor in many natural phenomena that make life possible on Earth and the diversity of microbial populations that they take advantage of any niches found in their environment. Such niches can be different amounts of light, oxygen, and nutrients found in soil and water and enable them to grow (Tortora,…
Table 1 provides site description. The depth was measured at 29.9 ft. The abundance of Araphid diatoms was significantly lower than Centric diatoms (Figure 2). The average abundance of the Centric diatoms were 80 and the average abundance of the Araphid diatoms were 20 (Figure 2). There was not a constant rate for organic carbon percentage. The deepest layer showed the highest percentage of organic carbon at 47% and the lowest organic carbon percentage (23%) was found at 15cm (Figure 3).…
The debut of hard parts in the fossil record is believed to have occurred 570 million years ago with common species in the fossil record like the Trilobite. The controversy that comes from the rise of hard parts in the fossil record is how abrupt the change is. In the Precambrian fossil record it is dominated by Stromatolites which contain prokaryotic microbiotas which are important for placing single-celled organisms in the Precambrian to mark out when they become less common(Morris 1987). It is difficult to find evidence in the fossil record for the transition from Prokaryote cells to Eukaryote cells but it is thought to have occurred 1.3billion years ago(Morris 1987). Single celled organisms debut 3.5billion years ago(Kerr 1993). Soft bodied fossils like the Ediacaran faunas (620-700million years ago) had a wide distribution which is believed to be resulting from a lack of scavengers in this time period(Morris 1987). Another belief for the appearance of hard-parts is that the changing seawater chemistry had diverse affects on the inhabiting organisms of the area. Another theory is that organisms had to be small and simple as not enough oxygen for multicellular organisms. Whereas others say animals simplicity of not having physiological and anatomical complexity meant they couldn’t expand into empty ecological niches(Kerr 1993). Trace fossils are also found in both stratigraphical areas. Trace fossils found show the behaviour of feeding, excavation of living space and movement. The pattern of diversification mirrors the adaptive radiations of the…