The main concern of the present day Defence industries is to produce high grade quality products corresponding to world class standards. They are dependent on many small industries .So the high standards can be achieved by providing services by MSME which are ecologically superior and economically viable. The efforts must be made to enhance the efficiency, minimizing waste and optimum use of resources. This paper presents an approach for the small defence industries to produce zero defect products i.e. products with “zero non-conformance/zero non-compliance and zero waste”. It is also essential that during production small industries should ensure that they cause zero effect to the environment i.e. “zero air pollution/liquid discharge/ …show more content…
Presently major countries of the world are facing a big challenge towards environmental protection. Due to neck to neck industrial competition in this century, no doubt unimaginable technological advancements have taken place which side by side has put an adverse impact towards the degradation of the environment. It is true that any kind of development can be successful only and only if it produces a zero effect on the environment and the surroundings...
The managements of most of the small companies in this country have not yet realized the true potential of quality management. This attitude of top management is reflected, at all lower levels. Therefore there is an essential need to convince the top management about the necessity of introducing inspection, quality control, quality assurance and total quality management programs in their industries. This paper presents the various concepts of these …show more content…
Measurement of results:
Once the targets have been laid down and presented as a challenge to the operatives the need of measurement of results is obvious. A good feature of the zero defects program is that if the workers have been properly motivated, they themselves will be keen for the measurement of the results of their efforts. It is positive approach which is partly responsible for the success of zero defect programs.
7. Recognition of achievers:
Recognition, to be meaningful should be selective. A part on the back of every employee who participated in the program would lower the esteem of the recognition and it would no longer remain something special worth striving for. The fact of his achievement should be well published which will serve as a morale booster for the achiever and an inspiration for the others.