you need it the most. When you are in an organization, you show respect to those who have been a part of it longer than you, because they are more knowledgeable and can guide you into the right direction. Recognizing the seniority others have over you, will go a long way, and allow them to understand that their time and effort has not been wasted. It is way too often when someone gains quite a few years over other’s and rather than being looked-up to, will just be looked at as just another old guy/lady. Those negative views on people will show in your actions, and people who are not respectful, typically are not wanted around. The negativity and disrespect will get tiring too soon and will not be a positive light, everyone deserves to be respected, but those who have been here/a part of something longer than you have, should be respected more. One should allow these individuals the opportunity to guide them and shed light on whatever they may be facing, whether it be personal, social, or academically. Deference allows young individuals to gain something from the wise.
you need it the most. When you are in an organization, you show respect to those who have been a part of it longer than you, because they are more knowledgeable and can guide you into the right direction. Recognizing the seniority others have over you, will go a long way, and allow them to understand that their time and effort has not been wasted. It is way too often when someone gains quite a few years over other’s and rather than being looked-up to, will just be looked at as just another old guy/lady. Those negative views on people will show in your actions, and people who are not respectful, typically are not wanted around. The negativity and disrespect will get tiring too soon and will not be a positive light, everyone deserves to be respected, but those who have been here/a part of something longer than you have, should be respected more. One should allow these individuals the opportunity to guide them and shed light on whatever they may be facing, whether it be personal, social, or academically. Deference allows young individuals to gain something from the wise.