
Definition Essay On Love

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What ruins Love?

Everyone knows that love is hard to come by but what they don’t know is how to handle it when it does come by. Many things in life can destroy a happy marriage or the perfect relationship. Relationships are not pitch perfect as they show in movies. To be in relationship it is essential to take a responsibility to stick with it when things go wrong. Dishonesty, long distance, mistrust, misunderstandings, difference in priorities, circumstances etc. there are endless reasons that can ruin Love. Biggest of which are Lust, Power and Greed. A philosopher Jullan Baggini says “…. At its best, however, all love is a kind a passionate commitment that we nurture and develop, even though it usually arrives in our lives unbidden. That's
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Lust is the most common feeling very closely associated with Love. Lust is easily confused with Love. A person in Lust thinks that he or she is in love, which is what confuses them. What does lust mean? Lust is "Very strong sexual desire.", as oppose to love which is "An intense feeling of deep affection.". When you are in love the feeling is not only made of physical attraction but also an intense feeling of fondness for the other person. Whereas in Lust, there is absence of any emotions further then of sexual nature. Lust is self-serving, love is unlimited and unselfish, and although love doesn't exclude lust, it's handy to know the difference between the two. Love is the building of a foundation of a relationship between two people where no matter whether they are in the same room or in a different state you still love them. When in Lust, you don’t feel the same. However, the confusion between the feeling is not only the reason it ruins love. Lust has many ways to ruin a relationship, one of the partners may start feeling lustful for third person altogether. Even in mythology lust is associated with devil. Agreed that one cannot be blamed for feeling sexually attracted to a person, but when it ruins present partner’s feeling that ruins trust of person on the notion of Love as whole. It does not just effect those two people but how everyone around think about love. Hence, one needs good quality of time to know their actual feeling and not fall for it too soon or too late. Love is a very magical feeling and everyone should embrace it. Love is foundation of all religions and they talk about how important Love is in

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