What's a Man According to today's average male his basic wants consist of only four things: "eat, sleep, poop, and have sex. If a man says otherwise he is only trying to get to one of those four things."(Comedy Central Television) This, of course, has not always been the way of men, but a man simply changes with society to better fit the world. The same traditions that men have carried out through the ages still continue, but have been altered along with our world, traditions such as marriage, occupations, and even war. Our human past begins domestically and slowly transforms to an organized, inventive, chivalrous world, and then to our world today power driven. Men have always been drawn to power and have finally created a world to make it easier to acquire. Men have always had the primal urges and same …show more content…
Women had always been treated as delicate objects, something a man can just place beside him or put on his mantle. Yet men still respected women, dazzling them with chivalry, something that in today's world has been killed. Today when a man is called classy, it is a compliment. Classy, a word that in today's time means old fashion, gentlemanly, the very thing most absent in our culture. When a man is called old fashioned, it is one step above the rest for our men are decaying in moral and judgment. A mans biological reasoning still remains intact, even with the progression of inventions. Our instincts still remain just as they did at the beginning of time, only now they have been altered to better fit our world today. We are naturally born with instincts, impulses, and aggression, things that outside our control. Our behaviors have always been wild, but they change to more sophisticated ways. We still act aggressively just as we did in the past. When are pride has been hurt or our life is