Apprehension overwhelmed me this morning as I entered into a personal clothes clean-out flurry. What if, all of a sudden, I want to wear the top or jeans I had just ejected from my cupboard? Had I made an immense fashion mistake getting rid of them?
I managed to productively remove two bags of clothing from my life. However, it’s a little scary now as I analyze what I have left.
The clothes in my wardrobe bring a mysterious segue …
Lately I have been considering the practicality of fervently holding to doctrines and beliefs.
Locked up within many of our doctrines are misinformation and misunderstandings that have been passed on through generations of religion and denominations, and in some cases mistranslation of the original …show more content…
For example: “I’m right, and they are going to Hell” or “I’m going to Hell, so who cares how I live” or “You need to confess otherwise you are going to Hell” or even “A God who condemns people to Hell–what kind of God is that?”
Beliefs about the “End Times” and “The Rapture” can dictate steps that Christians must take to prepare themselves for those events.
Strong procedural beliefs about baptism can create judgements and impose requirements on the journeys of others.
Our understanding of “sin” plays out in our observation and treatment of non-Christians and Christians (including ourselves).
Our beliefs about the Bible can cause us to elevate it above Jesus and to use verses to attack or condemn others.
We too easily build up a wall of doctrine around us and then become offended and defensive when anyone challenges our beliefs. A Rabbi to Follow
In early Jewish history, the Rabbis (teachers) were extremely respected and well educated in the Torah (the first five books of the Bible). They were particularly knowledgeable about Jewish Law. Anointed Rabbis had different interpretations of the Torah. A follower would align himself with a particular Rabbi based on the interpretations that corresponded with their own personal understanding. So, even before Jesus, there were accepted differences in understanding …show more content…
He taps away at our doctrine and gently asks us to lower our fists. He asks us to erase the lines we’ve drawn in the sand and to look toward Jesus. Our futile attempts to build things up around us, once pulled down, give us freedom.
But it can be daunting to let go of our doctrinal walls. Similar to my wardrobe situation, my brain begins to wonder what life might be like if I let something go: “But I can’t let it go! I’ve carried it around with me from house to house, state to state! Some items I’ve inherited and I don’t even know how they got in my wardrobe!”
My built up doctrine is a barrier from experiencing who God really is and affects my acceptance of His love.
Doctrinal Freedom
What have our doctrines bred within us? Do they cause us to experience fear, suspicion, anger, and judgment? Or do they bring us joy, acceptance, peace, and freedom?
The renewing of the mind, day after day is an honor and delight–but this may not be the renewing of the mind that you have been taught at Sunday School or Youth Group…
The message we get from Jesus is love, acceptance, mercy, and grace. And yes, in its fullness it will mess with your head … and with your