Tests have been conducted to prove a connection between the physical and the psychological. One of these tests demonstrated that a student's outlook on life directly affects his cell-mediated immunity. This means that an individual with a more pessimistic perspective makes himself more vulnerable to sickness due to lowered immunity, while a generally positive individual maintains a stronger immune system. This fascinating research adds a completely new aspect to the importance of optimism. Even if you have little motivation to benefit others with your positivity, you might want to consider fostering a sense of optimism for your own
Tests have been conducted to prove a connection between the physical and the psychological. One of these tests demonstrated that a student's outlook on life directly affects his cell-mediated immunity. This means that an individual with a more pessimistic perspective makes himself more vulnerable to sickness due to lowered immunity, while a generally positive individual maintains a stronger immune system. This fascinating research adds a completely new aspect to the importance of optimism. Even if you have little motivation to benefit others with your positivity, you might want to consider fostering a sense of optimism for your own