This chapter deals with some previous related studies on bilingual education and pertinent ideas including definition, aims, history, and types of bilingual education.
A. Previous Related Studies
A research conducted by Rubio (2002) showed that the teachers who had participated from the training program used more the mother tongue (Mayan language) as language of instruction, whereas the regular teachers (non certified bilingual teachers) tend to use target language (Spanish) as language of instruction most of the time. However, several aspects are to be considered. The training program does not appear to benefit teachers who already have a high rate of usage of mother tongue, or who used the mother tongue at low rates. At the same way, this research will check out what languages are used in bilingual classrooms at International Class Program of Physics Department, State University of Makassar. Yet, this research will not highlight the influence of training program for the lecturers toward their ability in using two languages in the classroom.
Mansur (2009) revealed that the bilingual education program is effective in teaching English subjects to the students of SMPN 1 Watansoppeng with the percentage of 50:50. But, when teaching Math, Physics, Biology and ICT courses, the bilingual program is classified ineffective and the teachers are assumed to have low ability in English. For mathematics subject, the class used 40% English and 60% Bahasa Indonesia. For Physics and Biology subjects, the class used 30% English and 70% Bahasa Indonesia. The last is for ICT subject, the class developed only 20% English and 80% Bahasa Indonesia.
Said (2008) found that English, Math and Science teachers use Contextual Teaching and learning, direct instruction, and cooperative learning as the teaching approaches in bilingual classroom.
Sofyan (2009) investigating the discourse on bilingual education at SMPN 12 Makassar with reference to
Bibliography: Baker, Colin. 2006. Foundations of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism (4th Edition). USA: Multilingual Matter Ltd. Brisk, Maria. 2001. Quality Bilingual Education: Defining Success (A Paper Presented at Symposium on Language Policy). Retrieved April 29th 2010 from Cerda, Natalie and Christina M Cerda, Natalie. 2007. Testimonials to US Surgeon General Richard Carmona on Bilingual Education. Retrieved April 29th 2010 from http://cerdandz.webs.cotn/testimonials.htm Davies, Rachel Echols, J. and Shadily, H. (2005). Kamus Inggris-Indonesia. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama Gall, Joyce P., Gall, and Walter R Garcia, Ofelia. 1997. The Handbook of Sociolinguistic. USA: Blackwell Publishers Ltd. Gay, L.R., Geoffrey E., and Airasian Peter. 2006. Educational Research. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall Glassets, Angela Hallet, Eric E. 2005. Most Indonesian Struggling with Bilingual Education Issue. The Jakarta Post (Saturday 07/23/2005). International Class Program (ICP). 2010. A Glance about ICP . Published brochure. Makassar: State University of Makassar. Johnson and Christensen. 2004. Educational Research. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc. Kamaliah, Ajeng. 2009. Bilingual Education (A Case Study in SMPN 6 Makassar). Unpublished Paper. Makassar: State University of Makassar: Krashen, Stephen Mansur, Syarif. 2009. The Effectiveness of Bilingual Program in Teaching Learning Process (A Case Study at SMPN 1 Watansoppeng in Soppeng District). Unpublished Paper. Makassar: Graduate Program, State University of Makassar: Ritchie and Lewis Said, Lisa. 2008. Attributes of an Effective Bilingual Education (A Case Study at One of the Junior High School in Makassar Metropolitan Area). Unpublished Thesis. Makassar: Graduate Program: State University of Makassar. Upu, Hamzah. 2008. Potret International Class Program. Published Power Point Presentation. Makassar: Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, State University of Makassar.