(Griffin’s (2012: 6) working definition of communication involves five features of communication: “Communication is the relational process of creating and interpreting messages that elicit a response.” Select two of the communication theories introduced in this course and discuss how this definition fits with the selected theories’ view of communication.)
Student name: Alexander Dahl Jørgensen
Study Program: BA Information Management
Course name: Fundamentals of Communication 1
Class number: XA
Teacher: Mareike Buss
Characters: 6805
Hand in date: 15-10-2012
Whenever we interact with other people, intentional or unintentional, we communicate; because of its abstract nature, the concept of communication is difficult to define. If one remembers Communication Theory as a Field (Craig 1999), we gain insight into the scientific fields of communication, on how diverse the fields of study actually are. With such diversity among theorists’ approaches to communication, it is even harder to get a single definition standing, at least within academia. The devil is in the details; however some argue that it is rather impractical to study a subject that isn’t well defined. A First Look At Communication Theory (Griffin 2012) offers a working definition. (Griffin 2012:6) states “Communication is the relational process of creating and interpreting messages that elicit a response”. But does this definition of what communication is suffice in the light of what the different theorists argue it is? This will be the main focus of my paper. I find it most reasonable to approach this question with two communication theories with different fundamental approaches to communication. In order to cover both the interpretive and objective theoretical approach, I will discuss the definition in relation to Constructivism and Semiotics.
The Definition
References: Barthes, R. (2009). Mythologies. London: Vintage Classics. 3-14 and 131-144 Craig, R.T. (1999). Communication theory as a field. Communication Theory, 9, 119-161. Griffin, E. (2011). A First Look at Communication Theory. 8th edition. New York: McGraw Hill. J. C. McCroskey, J. A. Daly, & M. M. Martin (Eds.). (1998). Communication and Personality: Trait Perspectives. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton, pp. 233-286, Website: Presshttp://www.ic.arizona.edu/ic/wrightr/const/bu98b.htm#II.B.%20CC%20and%20%E2%82%ACMessage%20Production%E2%82%AC