
Definition Of Kindness Essay

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“Kindness” and “hope” are two simple words. One could look them up in a dictionary, define them, write them, and do what they wish with them. However, to know and to act are two different things. Kindness can be define as “the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.” Kindness is doing your best to make sure that the people around you are happy. It is not being afraid to help others even when there is no way of them paying you back. Kindness is not just doing the right thing, but going above and beyond the call.
Hope is another simple word with a loaded meaning. Hope, according to Google, is “a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.” No matter how rough the circumstance, to be hopeful is to remain optimistic that something will happen. Hope is to stay positive even when the world is falling
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During Hanukkah, Anne finds a way to give everyone living in the attic a gift (1.5.1728-1785). She couldn’t go shopping to find gifts but still manages to give something to meaningful to everyone, even people who she has had disagreements with. Anne erases all of the answers in Margot’s crossword puzzle so she can do them again, makes shampoo out of soap for Mrs. Van Daan, cigarettes for Mr. Van Daan, an “I.O.U.” to her mother, a scarf to her father, ear plugs to Dussel a razor for Peter, and even makes a gift for Mouschi. Anne knows that no one else is able to give gifts. She does this out of the pure kindness of her heart. In addition, one of Anne’s most famous quotes is “In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.” (2.5.1372). Anne has been hiding in an attic in danger of being murdered simply because of her religion. The fact that she is still able to forgive people for the evil inside of them despite this speaks volumes about her character. She is forgiving, caring, generous, and the epitome of

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