Defying Gravity
M.C. Herden
Abstract: This report will investigate two theories about gravity, these including Aristotle’s theory, of which states, the heavier the object, the faster it falls, alongside Galileo’s trialed theory; Two object of different masses, when dropped from the same height will reach the ground at the same time. Correspondingly, this investigation shall trail and prove correct Galileo’s theory of gravity.
Introduction and Background: Gravity is the attraction of all masses in the universe, similarly, it is not possible to have gravity without mass. Although Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, was the first to try and explain gravity, Galileo was the first to correctly understand it. Aristotle believed that the heaver the object the faster it falls. This is understandable if a feather and a stone were dropped from the same height. However Aristotle failed to further test his hypothesis in order to take into consideration other variables such as air resistance, surface area and friction. Galileo conducted many experiments to prove his theory correct that objects of different masses, dropped from the same height will reach the ground at the same time. (Kallos, 2004)
Galileo also deduced that in a vacuum, all objects fall at the same rate as there was no other forces acting on the bodies. (Giancoli, 1980) Using Newton’s second law, F = ma, it is clear that Galileo’s theory of objects falling at the same rate is correct. As F = W = m g, (where W is the weight of the object and mg is the weight) the acceleration of the free falling objects is not affected by its mass. This is shown in Figure 1 below.
Figure 1
Experimental Procedure
Aim/ hypothesis: The aim of this experiment is to determine Galileo’s theory of gravity that objects of different masses that are dropped from the same height will reach the ground at the same time. It is predicted that Galileo’s theory will be proved correct and that the masses tested
Bibliography: Benson, Tom 2011, 'Free Falling Objects ', July 27, NASA, [Online], Available: [2013, May 19]. Stannard P & Williamson K, 2007 Science World 3. 2nd edn, Macmillan Education Australia Pty Ltd, South Yarra Geddes, S.M. 1981, Advanced Physics: Gravitation - The Acceleration due to Gravity, Macmillian Education Limited, Hampshire, pp. 116-118. Giancoli, Douglas C. 1980, Physics - Principles with Applications: Circular and Rotational Motion; Gravitation, Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey, pp. 70-73. Kallos 2004, 'A Brief History of Gravity ', University of Southern California, [Online], Available: [2012, May 5]. Pople, Stephen 1989, Co-ordinated Science - Physics: Falling Freely, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 18-19. Riley, Peter 2004, Forces and Movement: How Fast do Things Fall, Franklin Watts, London, pp. 24-25.