Although the UDOHR states that there must not be inhuman or cruel punishment and treatment, the Holocaust clearly crosses that line. As stated, “ crammed into cattle cars by the Hungarian police” (Wiesel 6). This violates the UDOHR because being “crammed into cattle cars” is an example of degrading treatment. Furthermore, the Jews to the SS officers were like cattle because cattle was later slaughtered for meat, just as the Jews were later killed. Another example of this, in the text, “Here and there, the police were lashing out with their clubs: ‘ Faster!”’ (Wiesel 19). This absolutely disobeys the UDOHR because it too …show more content…
For example, “ they were forced to dig huge trenches,then later killed or left for dead” (Wiesel 6). To explain, the Jews were forced into labor by the Germans ,which violates the UDOHR. Since the SS officers had the power to do as they pleased, they gathered Jews to work without pay, later when the work was done, killing them or leaving them to die. When the author states, “The prisoners were forced to run from camp to camp, no matter if they grew tired” ( Wiesel 19). This violates the UDOHR because it shows the SS officers forcing the prisoners to surpass their limits of weariness, running ,essentially, for their