Susan Datz
PHI 101
June 21, 2008
Socrates and Déjà Vu
Slide 3- Lived Prior Lives: What happens to the soul when we die? Does the soul come back into the form of another body? How is someone born already knowing certain things? Let’s take a look at some of these questions by first looking at a man named Socrates.
Point 1- Law of opposites: Socrates believed that human beings have lived prior lives so to try to explain and validate the point on living prior lives he used the law of opposites. The Law of Opposites shows how everything in the universe must have an opposite. “And the weaker comes from the stronger and the faster from the slower”. (134)
Point 2 -“that the living come into being again from the dead” (133)
Using the law of opposites Socrates is able to explain that the opposite of death is life so one must reenter the world from the land of the dead.
Point 3- What is remembered from previous lives?
Socrates advised that if ones soul had not deceased from the previous life wouldn’t some information be retained to the next life?
Point 4- Knowledge: Socrates advised that all knowledge that has ever been known and will ever be known is already preexistent in your memory; thus time is an illusion, merely the unfolding process of remembering everything.
Slide 4- Recollecting Prior knowledge: Is the learning process simply re-gathering previous information?
Point 1- Theory of Recollection: Well, Socrates uses the Theory of Recollection to further show that before one is born the knowledge is already there. One is never taught anything new, but instead reminded of things already known. Socrates deduces this from the argument that “our souls exist in the other world” (135)
Point 2- Theory of Forms: The Theory of Forms helps us to try and understand what Socrates is trying to convey about living previous lives by using the evidence of without ever looking at a perfect circle or even a straight line one already knows what there are