Douglas A. Parker
August 13, 2001
| Amazon Products | |Subject(s): Language Arts/Reading and Public Speaking |Links of Note |
|[pic] | |Overview: Students need to understand that how they say something and how they physically present |Persuasive Essay Topics form|
| | |themselves are just as important as what they say. By understanding the dynamics involved in effective |Curious Castle Classroom. |
| | |persuasive speaking, students will improve their overall confidence in communicating. | |
| | |Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to improve students’ oral persuasion techniques by understanding |Writing the Persuasive |
| | |the appropriate speaking skills. The lesson is presented in second person, making it more meaningful as a |EssayCurious Castle |
| | |resource for the students, and easier for the teacher to use as a handout. |Classroom |
| | |Objectives: Students will be able to: | |
| | |1) Demonstrate the appropriate classroom public speaking and listening skills (e.g., body language, |[pic] |
| | |articulation, listening to be able to identify specific examples of the speaker's coordination of talking |[pic] |
| | |and action) that would be necessary to influence or change someone's mind or way of thinking about a | |
| | |topic.