Dell is considered doing well in the market segmentation in order to avoid unnecessary loss. The management carry out analysis and report to find out which part or area can let them make the most profit. They position themselves as a strategic vendor, which is important in the business. From this, they have the competitive advantage in order to compete with other IT big business. Dell is also trying to sell affordable or more cheaper product to the customer. Apple is the top IT business in the world nowadays. As a result, Dell can not compete with them at the moment. Therefore, Dell’s product strategy is more focus on developing one specific product that can satisfy the customer. Dell also provides variety of services to maintain good relationship with old and loyal customer.
Last but not least, Dell Company has a short product life cycle in where produce theirs products just in time. As well, it also wins the customer relationships and attracts customers and investors in the same time. Dell better supply chain management and direct sales strategy also helping Dell Company in gaining comparative advantages in the marketplace nowadays.
Dell Company was able to address its problems associated with rapid growth and build itself into a tasting profitable company. Its smart marketing tactics are attracting customers in where all computers are customized to the customer needs. Therefore, Dell gained comparative advantages in the marketplace nowadays. Furthermore, Dell also participated in many health improvement programs to maintain.
Business Overview
In the year of 1984, Dell was founded by Michael Dell who actually is a freshman at University of Texas in Austin. Dell used his creative brain thinking out to bought parts wholesale and assembly them into a cheaper product to be sold to them who unwilling to pay higher price charged by computer stores by mail order.
The success idea was then developed into his business, thus Dell companies was
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