Meeting Details
Name: Roger Kramer
Position: CFO of SKS
Meeting time: Monday October 15, at 4:00 p.m., at his office
Length of meeting: 45 minutes
Appointment confirmed? Yes
Who else is coming? Another consultant, waiting for confirmation
Meeting Objectives:
1.Introduce myself and the purpose of the engagement
2.Allay any fears and concerns that he might have regarding the engagement
3.Create a rapport
4.Solicit both opinions and facts regarding the cash flow shortage and accounts receivable turnover times and processes
5.Obtain reports to build the models you are working with and support for testing the hypothesis.
6.Leave a good impression …show more content…
Kramer, I am Maria Chen and my team and I are working with SKS to help them improve the cash flow challenge. We’ve been hired by Jack Skidmore to study SKS processes and together with the company find a way to improve the cash flow position. Mr. Kramer, I know you’ve received some information about what I am here for, but I’d like to explain what we are trying to accomplish and why I’ve asked to speak to you.
Explain in a non-threatening and involving way. Do you have any questions or concerns about what we are doing?
Briefly describe the engagement process
If he has questions, address his concerns first to build a rapport. Bring the subject of confidentiality, often a concern.
After addressing Kramer’s fears and concerns,
Start with broad questions. When you get a response, probe, trying to get him to relate his observations to specific events or objective information. An initial question can be open ended to test his cooperation and allow him to freely express his arguments, it can be something like
“Tell me about the accounts receivables?”
Depending on his response, probe some more for details. If his response