Dementia Awareness
Outcome 1
1. Explain the term ‘dementia’.
Derives from the Latin demens, meaning ‘without mind’, is classes as a syndrome because is a group of related symptoms that are associated with a progressive decline of the brain.
2. What are the key functions of the brain that are affected by dementia?
Memory, how a person uses words (Dysphasia), ability to understand and produce language (Aphasia), recognition of people, places and objects (Agnosia), loss of ability to carry out purposive or learned movements (Apraxia)
3. Explain why depression, delirium and age related memory impairment may be mistaken for dementia.
Because they have similar symptoms which include: infections, severe constipations, depression, vitamin and thyroid deficiencies, brain tumors
Outcome 2
1. Outline the medical model of dementia.
Dementia can be described as a group of usually progressive neurodegenerative brain disorders characterized by intellectual deterioration and more or less gradual erosion of mental and later physical function, leading to disability and death. This approach has allowed the development and deployment of pharmacological interventions for people with dementia and holds the hope that one day some dementia may be preventable or curable.
2. Outline the social model of dementia.
Dementia can viewed as one of the ways in which an individual’s personal and social capacities may change for a variety of reasons, and changes in such capacities are only experienced as disabilities when environmental supports (which we all depend upon to varying degrees) are not adaptable to suit them. Moreover, dementia thought of from a clinical perspective (that is, disease and disability leading to death) may also prefigure our collective social and professional approach to people with dementia as people irretrievably ill and fundamentally different from able-bodied healthy young people. This view