Understand what dementia is
Explain what is meant by demtia:
Dementia is a term that is used when the brain is affected by different diseses or conditions.
Describe the key functions of the brain affected by dementia:
The key functions of the brain affected by dementia are- processing information,language,memory,ability to make sound judements.
Explain why depression, delirium and age related memory impairment may be mistaken for dementia:
They may be mistaken for dementia because the symtoms are simular eg mild cognitive impairment, apathy, confusion, poor memory, low concentration.
Understand key features of the theoretical models of dementia
Outline the medical model of dementia:
Expert control, dependency upon experts denial of personhood, not recognising the social context, distinction between normal and pathological, individualisation of behaviors, blaming the individual, tratment of the illness.
Outline the social model of dementia:
Interaction of biological and social factors, importance of communities and social networks, role of socio-economic factors, political factors, recognition of personhood, effects of empowerment.
Explain why dementia should be viewed as a disability:
Dementia should be viewed as a disability because people who have dementia are at risk of harm, and are vunerable
Know the most common types of dementia and their causes
List the most common causes of dementia+ their symptoms:
Alzheimers disease: causes- changes in chemistry and structure of the brain, death of brain cells, signs and symptoms- memory loss related to recent events,familiar faces, confusion about time of day, familiar objects and faces, finding the right word.
Lewy body dementia: causes- development of lewy bodies inside the nerve cells, degeneration of brain tissue, signs and symptoms- memory loss, problem solving, confusion and delirium, servere phychotic symtoms such as