1.1 Explain what is meant by the term ‘dementia’
Dementia is a group of symptoms known as a syndrome that is associated with an ongoing decline of the brain and its abilities which can include memory loss, the way of thinking and understanding of what is being communicated and also the change in language which they may not normally use.
People with dementia may also become apathetic, finding it difficult to control how they are feeling or have problems behaving appropriately in social settings/situations. Different types of dementia may also make their personalities change or hear or see things which are not really there. These problems are caused because of damage to a person structure of their brain. People with dementia may find it hard to make decisions for themselves which is why they will require help from either family, friends or even placed in a care home.
1.2 Describe the key functions of the brain that are affected by dementia
There are different functions of the brain which are or can be affected with dementia these can include:
People with dementia can lose their memory. They may be able to remember what has happened in their past but may not be able to remember what has happened a day or two ago. This may be confusing for them as they will not understand where they are, how they got to where they are or even if their husband/wife has passed away.
This function can be also be affected by dementia. A person suffering from dementia may think that there is something or someone who they can see which is not rally there. They may also hear things which do not really exist as nobody else can hear what they are hearing. This will then make them think that a family member or friend is lying to them by telling them that there is nothing there, which can lead to them feeling anxious or aggressive.
Individuals with dementia may suffer from language problems. This may be due to previous diseases such as strokes.