I. Open with Impact: At some point in your life you have probably either received or given a gift that looked something like this. (Hold up poorly wrapped gift.) Nobody wants to be that person at the party with the gift that gets mistaken for trash. When giving a gift to someone it is important to put just as much thought into the gift wrapping as the gift buying. II. Connect with Audience: You may be thinking, but I don’t always have time to make my gift look professionally wrapped. Or, I don’t have the money to go out and buy the supplies I need to wrap a gift. III. Establish Impact: I am guilty of giving the ugliest gift at the party before and I know how it feels. Thankfully, I have changed my ways and learned that gift wrapping is not as intimidating as it seems. IV. Thesis: With just a little extra effort, your gift can be something you are proud to present. V. Preview Main Points: Today, I am going to show you how to find inexpensive wrapping materials, properly wrap your gift with ease, and complete the look with some finishing touches.
Transition: Now before we start, we are going to need some basic materials.
Body I. Picking out the paper A. We want to be as cost effective as possible, but we still need enough materials to wrap for all those random family members and friends. 1. The most inexpensive paper can be found at your local discount store. 2. Go to your local dollar tree and pick out your favorite print or solid color wrapping paper. B. Other useful materials 1. You will want to pick out a spool of ribbon for the finishing touch. 2. You are also going to need scissors and clear tape.
Transition: Now that we have all of our materials together, let’s get to wrapping. II. Wrapping the present A. Measure your paper 1. Place the gift in the unrolled paper. 2. Bring the paper up around the gift until you have enough paper
Cited: Banner, Chrissa. How to Perfectly Wrap a Present. 2008. Web. 9 Nov 2012. Alissa, . "Christmas Wrappings." 33 Shades of Green. Pinterest, 16 2009. Web. Web. 9 Nov. 2012. <>. Teri , Young. "Public Speaking." Faculty Files. N.p.. Web. 9 Nov 2012. <>.