Enlightenment and the foundation of modern governments? The Hebrews
Wrote the first laws moral ethic. Also wrote the 10 commandments that
Had a huge impact in the Enlightenment. Also, found the first religion
Which was monotheistic the belief in one god. The Hebrews are very
Important because they are the foundation of many of our illegal laws
Including the amendments and right to a trial came from them. In the
Modern Hebrews believed that the leaders are not above the law. The
Hebrews also had a holy book named the “Torah”, consisted of five books.
Enlightenment includes in political thought, widespread rational
Arguments in favor of free thought, human rights, equality and democratic
Values came from the Greeks. The use of democracy and government
Came from the Greeks. The symbols that we use today came from the
Greeks. Also the architecture used came from the Greeks. Out of Hebrews,
Romans, Christians, Greeks the Greeks have to be the most influential to
The enlightenment and political area. All three of them took things from
the Greeks and used them. Aristotle wrote politics. They have influenced
Political thinking to this present day, Ancient Greeks government was the
The first city-state that had here own personality, laws, goals, and
customs. The
Greeks also had two city-states Sparta and Athens, which no women had
The rights to be only at home. Wollstonecraft enlightenment
Philosopher goes by the rights of women.
Most of our modern world ideas, technology and government come
From the Romans.