Introduction 2
Democracy: Concept 2
Basic Principles or Requisites of Democracy: 3
1. Liberty: 3 2. Equality: 3 3. Fraternity: 3 4. The people as ultimate source of sovereignty: 3 5. Fundamental rights to the people: 4 6. Independence of Judiciary: 4 7. The people are considered as an end and State as the means in a democracy: 4
Politics: 4
Political Democracy: 4
Objectives of the study: 6
a) Broad objectives 6 b) Specific objectives: 6
Political Democracy in Bangladesh: An overview 6
Bangladesh: a democracy in crisis 8
Democracy vs. Corruption 8 Security vs. economic progress 9 Impunity vs. the rule of law 10
Present features of Bangladesh Democracy: 10
1) Lack of political morality: 10 2) Absence of strong civil society 10 3) Absence of strong political leadership: 11 4) Confrontational politics 11 5) Ineffective political institutions: 11 6) Corruption and terrorism: 11 7) Negativity/Double standard: 11
Conclusion 11
Bibliography: 12
Democracy by definition means the government by people.A form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system. That means that all the people should be able to have their say in one way another in everything that affects their lives.
Bangladesh is a developing country of South Asia that emerged in the globe through a 24-year long struggle for self rule and finally got independence in 1971 after a 9-month long bloody war.The quest for representative government has been an important feature of the history of Bangladesh. The independence struggle of the eastern Bengali peoples against the British, partition from India in 1947, and secession from Pakistan in 1971 set the stage for the people of Bangladesh to create a democratic political system. The Constitution, as it was initially promulgated in 1972, embodied the
Bibliography: 2. Ahmed, Moudud, 1995. Democracy and the challenge of Development. Dhaka: UPL. 3. Halim, M.A. 1998. Constitution Constitutional Law and Politics: Bangladesh Perspective 4. Kapur, A.C. 1993. Principles of Political Science. New Delhi: S. Chand & Internet: