Due to the continuous political instability and recurring military interventions in decision making, Pakistan is far from witnessing a healthy and democratic political system in the near future.
On the international scene, states have been struggling to obtain their independence and sovereignty. But the biggest threat that arises after accomplishing independence is the way the government rules, the standards it follows and the goals it sets. This is when a new journey begins where the government searches for the best system that suits the country and satisfies the different sections of its population.
Most of the states adopt democracy to be the dominant process in politics. But each state has its own definition for democracy or applies democracy in its own way.
One of the states that still struggle today to find its own peace and stability is Pakistan, which was site for different cultures .
Historically, Pakistan encountered waves of conquerors that resided in the region, and who influenced the residents of that area and were also absorbed among them, till the independence of Pakistan that was established on August 14, 1947 .
This paper will be studying the development of democracy in Pakistan, highlighting the major historical events the state has undergone, starting with the instability the country has and is still witnessing, moving to the succession of different leaders and their attempts to modify the state to suit their interests and stressing on the existence and evolution of democracy and its role in shaping the country internally and internationally.
Political instability in Pakistan and the succession of different leaders
Ever since Pakistan took its independence, stability was never the case of the state.
Martial Law prevailed for long periods in Pakistan during instable situations. This system takes place whenever the military takes control over the state and it diminishes the rights of the citizens and
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