of democracy
in Bhutan and Tonga
(November 7th, 2012)
I wish to thank and acknowledge my module tutor Mr. Sabarjeet Mukherjee and Mr. Mahindra Balasuriya for guiding me throughout my research. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to my colleagues for their advice and help.
A comparative analysis of democracy in Bhutan and in Tonga has not been done and this article attempts to make a comparative analysis of democracy in Bhutan and Tonga. The analysis has been done using content analysis method whereby the elements of democracy such as citizen rights and duties, elections, party system and universal adult franchise between the two countries has been compared. After a comparative analysis of democracy in the two countries, it can be noted that the democratic values and the elements of democracy are being maintained by the two nations. However, the success or the failure of democracy in the two nations cannot be predicted since it is just an emerging democratic nation.
Table of Content
Glossary 1
Acronyms 2
Chapter 1 3
Introduction 3
Chapterisation 4
Chapter 2 5
Literature review 5
Chapter 3 10
Democracy in Bhutan 10
Chapter 4 20
Democracy in Tonga 20
Chapter 5 26
Comparative study of the democratic elements in Bhutan and in Tonga 26
Conclusion 33
Limitations 34
References 35
Chimi: People’s representative and member of National Assembly
Chhoe-Sid-Nyiden: Dual system of religion and politics (temporal and secular)
Dasho: Honorific title of officers granted red scarf or similar distinctions
Desi: Civil ruler of Bhutan before the establishment of monarchy
Dzongkhag: District
References: Anckar, D. (2002). Democratic standard and performance in twelve pacific micro-states. Censorship of Bhutan (n.d.). Retrieved on 5th November, 2012. Retrieved from:en.wikipedia.org/wiki/censorship of Bhutan EUEOM (2008). Bhutan final report. European Union Election Observation Mission Freedom in Religion (n.d.) Kinga, S. (2009). Polity, kingship and democracy: a bibliography of Bhutanese state. Thimphu: Phendey lam Robertson., D. (2004). The routledge dictionary of politics. 3rd edition. Europa Pulications Sithey, G., & Dorji, T Tonga country profile (2002) retrieved from: www.un.org/esa/agenda21/natlinfo/wssd/tonga.pdf Tongan Democratic labor party (n.d.) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ tongan democratic labor party The Act of constitution of Tonga (1988) legislation.to/Tonga/DATA/PRIN/.../ActofConstitutionofTonga.pdf The constitution of the kingdom of Bhutan (2008)