Firstly what do we understand about democracy? Democracy is whatever we choose it to mean but for the purposes of understanding it in this essay we go with Jack Lively’s definition “Democracy is the form of government in which the ‘demos’ the people, rule: in which political power is held by the many rather than by one or the few” (Lively 1975: 8).the activities done by government are not directly performed by citizens but citizens elect the representative of their choice on a free and regular basis to act on behalf of them. As Lively says the majority principle defines the principle of democracy (1975: 9).
Democracy promotes equal treatment of people but it said to be very difficult to sustain.” It can result from and only from a federation of democratic states
References: Beetham, D.2005.Democracy: A beginner’s guide.Oneword Publications.1-16. Dahl, R.1998.On Democracy. New Haven and London. Yale University Press, 37-167. Held, D.1992.Prospects for Democracy. Blackwell Publishers, 12-16. Lansford, T.2007. Democracy. Marshall Cavendish.9-10. Lijphart, A .1989. Democracies, Patterns of majoritarian and consensus government in the 21 countries. Yale University, 4-6. Lively, J .1975.Democracy.Basil Blackwell: Oxford, 8-49. Mayo, H.B.1960.An introduction to Democratic theory. New York: Oxford University Press.33-36. Wolf, A and Rawcliffe, J.M.2005.Democracy.Evans Brothers, 25-26.