
Democratic Socialism: The Pros And Cons Of The COV Party

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Democratic Socialism: The Pros And Cons Of The COV Party
Democratic Socialism is a political ideology, which states that the political system should be run alongside a social economic system, meaning it is a combination between political-democracy and social ownership (YDS). This concept of democratic socialism can benefit Germany; hopefully eliminating these more fascist views that are spreading across this nation day by day. I think that the people of this nation should not follow these fascist views but instead should focus is more beneficial political and economic system. The COV party consists of those who are spreading the fascist views and I have expressed my discomfort for this many times. I believe that this party is gaining support rapidly due the fact that the people in this country want to see change and this party is willing to provide that even though it means resorting to …show more content…
Examples of these benefits are that of Scandinavian countries. The governments of these countries are democratic socialists, thus letting their Scandinavian citizens enjoy one of the world’s highest living standards. The primary reason for the success of these Scandinavian countries are that they have a large working force. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they have a large population but that is of course an important factor. What interesting is that these countries publicize the benefits of having a large workforce thus making people want to work rather than forcing them, also this makes majority of the population want to work and work efficiently this also includes things like childcare, health and education, which encourages women to come into the workforce, they also offer advanced training programs for those who are unemployed. An example of an country would be Norway. The government spending in Norway spends

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