Themes such as civil engagement and political equality are big parts of democracy. Active participation in public affairs is essential if a country wishes to reach a true democracy. Iraq must give their citizens equal opportunity to express their opinions throughout the decision-making process. They should be prepared to be involved in debates and should be interested in public issues. Citizenship is characterized by active participation in governmental issues. Being a citizen should also guarantee equal rights and political equality. The more political equality among citizens, the more democratized the country is said to be. Equality in voting is also important. One vote for each person is a basic principle of democracy. With these requirements met, Iraq would be well on its way to becoming a country run by the …show more content…
Leaders in countries such as Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Iran are concerned that chaos and tensions in Iraq from the dramatic change will spill over into their countries. Attempting to democratize Iraq endangers freedom here at home. It is better to lead Iraq to democracy by example than to try to establish it by military force. A quote from president Bush argues democracy in Iraq is important: "It is the policy of the United States to seek and support the growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world. Today, people in a long-troubled part of the world are standing up for their freedom .The trend is clear: Freedom is on the march. Freedom is the birthright and deep desire of every human soul, and spreading freedom's blessings is the calling of our time. And when freedom and democracy take root in the Middle East, America and the world will be safer and more peaceful." In response to this quote, I agree that the world would be safer if the entire Middle East was democratized, but I don't think that will ever happen. The processes involved pose a threat to safety in the U.S. and I don't think they're worth the