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Impact Of Demographics On The Consumption Of Different Services Online In India
Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, December 2006, vol. 11, no.3 (http://www.arraydev.com/commerce/jibc/)
A M Sakkthivel, Assistant Professor – Marketing Area, Loyola Institute of Business Administration (LIBA), Loyola College, Chennai, India.
Email: sakkthi@yahoo.co.uk, sakkthivel@liba.edu
Dr. A M Sakkthivel is an Assistant Professor of Marketing with Loyola Institute of Business Administration (LIBA), Loyola College, Chennai. India & Recognised PhD supervisor for Madras University, India. His research interests are Consumer Behavior on Internet Purchase, Post Purchase Behavior, Cyber-Marketing, Virtual Marketing Mix, Virtual Behavioral Process, Gauging Brand Loyalty and Modeling Rural Buyer Behavior, Mathematical Modeling (Metrics)
The role of Internet is becoming inevitable to corporate and society. Across the world, governments and corporate are increasingly working towards the better utilization of the internet. The Internet which was initially perceived as a communication media is now metamorphosing into a powerful business media. The late 20 and early 21st century witnessed the entry and exit of the dot.com companies. The internet motivated many brick & mortar companies to use the Internet to sell products/services online and found negative outcomes as the companies failed to understand the internet buyer behavior and could not figure out the categories of services the Internet users intend to buy. In offline marketing, demographics plays a vital role in understanding buying behavior of consumers belong to different segments which would enable companies to develop products/services according to their specific requirements. Internet is a medium which does not offer this luxury to companies to know the
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