Juan P Salazar
August 18, 2014
You provided a excellent examples of demonstrative communication to support most of the requirements of the assignment and to show that you understand this type of communication, Juan - nice work! Please remember to review the instructions carefully to ensure you meet all the requirements. I could not locate the discussion on how demonstrative communication involves listening and responding. Use headings to present all new ideas All references must be found in the discussion as in text citations. I only found one In text citation. Several citations were missing throughout your paper. When you use ideas in your paper that came from other sources, you must cite all of them. In order to earn a grade, insert the sources that are missing throughout your paper and resubmit. Send your paper through the writing lab to obtain assistance on grammatical and sentence structure errors.
See the two APA tools attached for examples of in text citations and references and headings to enhance your next paper and to maximize points earned.
Demonstrative Communication
During the process of communication there are several things that you can differentiate about nonverbal and unwritten communication. When you are talking to someone or someone is talking to you, you will understand by their body language and facial expressions if they are interested in what you are saying “Communication is an exchange of information via verbal or written messages and is the process of sending and receiving messages.” (Cheesebro, O’Connor, and Rios, 2010)
Nonverbal cues
Non- verbal cues are used in everyday interactions and can often times speak louder than verbal communication. Think back to childhood how momma’s eye contact was understood and nothing had to be said and what she wanted was done just by the look she gave. How about in school?
References: Cheesebro, T. O’Connor, L., & Rios, F. (2010).Communicating in the workplace. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.Retrieved August 18, 2014 from Effective Communication. BSAD 560, Intercultural Business Relations Susu O., Analysis of the use of nonverbal communication in EFL classrooms