The main difference between Demark and the United States is the “outrageous” income tax, or what we believe to be outrageous. Through Steves comparison we learn that the Danish don’t mind the income tax rate because they think of their country and government rather than about their own personal benefit. At first that is a hard concept to grasp as I am used to every man/woman for him/herself, but to the Danish, that concept isn’t even an option. Steves explains that the Danish
The main difference between Demark and the United States is the “outrageous” income tax, or what we believe to be outrageous. Through Steves comparison we learn that the Danish don’t mind the income tax rate because they think of their country and government rather than about their own personal benefit. At first that is a hard concept to grasp as I am used to every man/woman for him/herself, but to the Danish, that concept isn’t even an option. Steves explains that the Danish