Case of a Project Failure
Auxence Memini Sima
Bellevue University
The challenge of every project is to make it work and be successful within the triple constraints. The new Denver International Airport (DIA) baggage handling system was one ambitious project that failed. Despite the several billions of US dollars invested within a period of ten years to make the system work, “ the baggage system designed and built by BAE Automated System Inc, launched, chewed up, and spit out bags so often that it became known as the baggage system from hell”.( Nelson, 2007). This paper will explore the challenges that such a project presented, and will analyze the contributing factors in regards to management aspects which did contribute to the failure of the baggage handling system project at the new Denver International Airport.
Introduction The purpose of the Denver International Airport baggage handling system project was to provide the city of Denver with the world’s largest automated airport baggage handling system. Initially, such project sounded and looked feasible as the initiators of the project believed. All constraints that the project needs were present; therefore those whom the project was intended to could expect the delivery of the new system within the initial time allotted to the project. Unfortunately, the project turned into a disaster at its earlier stage, as BAE Automated System Inc the company chosen for the realization of the project came to realize the complexity of the task it was to accomplish, which obviously was going to cause changes to the entire project. Thus, the project was going to undergo changes to its requirements, schedule, and budget. In addition, other reasons contributed to the project’s failure, and those will be explored and analyzed as well.
Project Overview: The construction of the new Denver International Airport started in late 1989 and it
References: Calleam Consulting. (2008). Case study- Denver International Airport baggage handling system-An illustration of ineffectual decision making. Calleam Consulting Ltd Lukaitis, S., Cybulski, J. (2004). Denver International Airport baggage handling system Foundations: Constructing and criticizing workshop at the Australian National University. School of Information Systems, Deakin University Nelson, R, R. (2007). IT project management: Infamous failure, classic mistakes, and best practices, MIS Quarterly Executives.6 (2). Neufville, R. (1994). The baggage system at Denver: prospects and lessons. Journal of Air Transport Management.6 (1), 229-236. Schwalbe, K. (2010). Information Technology Project Management (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Course Technology/Cengage Learning;BAE Automated System (A): Denver International Airport baggage handling system, Harvard Business School case # 9-396. Young, R. R. (2006). Project Requirements - A Guide to Best Practices. Vienna, VA: Management Concepts, Inc.