Now I feel each one of these approaches is similar in a way. The similarity in …show more content…
One of the differences is that deontological is a normative theory that deals with the choices of what is required, forbidden or even permitted. Therefore, it guides and assess our choices for what we should do in a situation. Now consequentialism is different normative properties of different kinds of things but it still deals with the act of what is right but in a different way than deontological. It also deals with whether an act was morally right and if so what are the consequences for that act.
I feel that the most appropriate approach for a criminal justice professional consequentialism. The reason I feel this way is because a person is always innocent until proven guilty. Therefore, this approach to me helps to determine whether an act was right or wrong and what needs to be done to the person who committed the act. Furthermore, it rules within the rules of innocent until proven guilty because you have to find out what was the motive behind the act. Therefore, you have to prove that the acts in fact happen or if there was actually more than one act that