Guidance on developing and implementing multi-agency policies and procedures to protect vulnerable adults from abuse
There can be no secrets and no hiding place when it comes to exposing the abuse of vulnerable adults. The Government’s White
Paper, ‘Modernising Social Services’, published at the end of 1998, signalled our intention to provide better protection for individuals needing care and support. This is being taken up through the Care
Standards Bill.
We are also committed to providing greater protection to victims and witnesses, and the Government is actively implementing the measures proposed in ‘Speaking Up for Justice’, the report on the treatment of vulnerable or intimidated witnesses in the criminal justice system. That report recognised that there were concerns about both the identification and reporting of crime against vulnerable adults in care settings, and endorsed the proposals made by the Association of Directors of Social
Services, and others, that a national policy should be developed for the protection of vulnerable adults. It was agreed that local multi-agency codes of practice would be the best way forward.
The development of these codes of practice should be co-ordinated locally by each local authority social services department. To support this process this guidance is being issued under Section 7 of the Local
Authority Social Services Act 1970. Government departments have worked closely together on the preparation of this guidance and we commend it to local authority social services departments, the police service, and the health service. It will also be of interest to the independent sector, as well as users and carers.
John Hutton
Department of Health
John Denham
Department of Health
Charles Clarke
Home Office
1. Introduction
Structure of this document
2. Defining who is at risk and in what way