2. Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) is the principal instrument used in Accreditation and Equivalency Program (AEP) which was first established in 1977. The main objective is to retrieve out-of-school youths and place them in the formal school system, if they so desire, and to place over-aged in-school youth in the grade/year level corresponding to their ages. The PEPT tests the competencies gained through formal, informal and non-formal education which is equivalent tot hose developed in five subject areas – Communication Arts in English and Filipino, Science, Math and Social Studies – from first grade in the elementary school to fourth year in the secondary school.
3. Special Education is an educational program or service designed to meet the needs of children with special needs that cannot profit from general or regular education because of disabilities or exceptional disabilities. The ultimate goal of special education shall be the integration or mainstreaming of learners with special needs into the regular school system and eventually in the community.
Special education also aims to develop the maximum potential of the child with special needs to enable him to become self-reliant and shall be geared towards providing him with the opportunities for a full and happy life. It gears up to the development and maximization of learning competencies, as well as the inculcation of values to make the learners with special