Depleted Uranium
And its link to the increased birth defects in Iraq
A Research Investigation compiled by Terry-Lynn Istain Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc425457394" Introduction PAGEREF _Toc425457394 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc425457395" Literature Review PAGEREF _Toc425457395 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc425457396" The toxicity of Depleted Uranium- (Wayne, 2010) PAGEREF _Toc425457396 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc425457397" Birth defects in Iraq and the plausibility of environmental exposure: A review (T S.Al-Hadithi, 2012) PAGEREF _Toc425457397 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc425457398" Epidemic of birth defects in Iraq and our duty as public health researchers- (M.Savabieasfahani, 2013) PAGEREF …show more content…
The source is valid as it contains numerous cited statistics. Content from other published articles are mentioned. Since this article is on the “Biomed Central’ website it was reviewed and approved before publish and is therefore reliable.The article mentions the use of Depleted Uranium and birth defect statistics since 1991 in Iraq and is therefore relevant to the research task question. Data is also based on results found in Depleted Uranium exposed cities in Iraq. This article was published in 2012 and information is still valid, however a limitation is that no direct conclusion is …show more content…
The waste of wars in Iraq: Its nature, size and contaminated areas. [Online] Available at: http:/[Accessed 21 April 2015].
Depleted Uranium is used in weapons to penetrate the armour of military vehicles. The full extent of Depleted Uranium radiation only occurs 6 months after production. The Depleted Uranium waste is also ignitable, corrosive, reactive and toxic. Soil contamination is found to be highest close to sites of Depleted Uranium bombardments. Children in Iraq play around the radioactive contaminated waste.
The article is published by the University of Technology of Sweden and is therefore peer-reviewed and reliable. The article is cited and referenced can be considered valid. The information in this journal is useful as it mentions the toxicity of Depleted Uranium relating to the aims of the research task.Some issues with the article are that some statements made by authors seem biased. The article was published in 2011 and new data/information has been found on the topic since then. Process and Findings