
Depo Provera Persuasive Essay

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Researched Persuasive Argument
December 5, 2012
“Depo-Provera: Is it really dangerous?” There are several topics that as a parent, you never want to bring up with your teenager, one of them being the topic about birth control. However, ignoring these issues is the worst thing that can be done and it is obviously not going to make them disappear. The truth of the matter is that we live in a generation where teens having sex is something that is very common. The least parents can do is give their teens the basic information they need in order for them to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
However, many parents are still opposed for their children to be taking birth control. Some of these parents feel that if they support their teens in having access to birth control, they are telling them that it is time to become sexually active and that having pre-marital sex is fine. A common belief that is shared is that teens having access to birth control will be encouraged to engage in sexual activity much sooner than teenagers who don’t have access to it. There are even declarations where
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Studies done by Advocates for Youth, have said that by providing contraception to teens, it increases safe sex practices among those who are already sexually active but it does not have effect on the number of teens beginning to engage in sexual intercourse. The Advocates for Youth also had a very special person in their article, President Obama. “After an outpouring of support from activists like you, President Obama and the Department of Health and Human Services announced in January that they are standing strong by no-cost birth control. In that announcement, the administration kept intact a conscience clause for churches. While we believe everyone should have access to basic preventive coverage, the Obama administration has already provided a

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