The movie Prozac Nation, directed by Erik Skjoldbjærg is based on the true story of Elizabeth Wurtzel and her struggles with depression during her first year at Harvard University. When Lizzie arrives to college she and her roommate begin the hard partying and the indulgence of drugs and alcohol which only contributes to her downward spiral of severe depression. Lizzie’s excessive self-medication of illegal drugs and alcohol contribute to her violent outburst and alienation her from …show more content…
It’s not only the doctors who excessively prescribe, but it’s also individuals looking for the “magic pill” and pharmaceutical companies who promote the non-existent magic pill. “America has become such an industrialized, materialistic society that we think that a product sold by a company is the answer to human suffering” (Cooper). This is true, we see in the movie Prozac Nation when dozens of people are hurrying to the pharmacy and also in people Like Tess and Rita who take Prozac to just make them handle life’s difficult situations a little better; even though they are not “clinical depressed”. Prozac changes the whole dynamic of individuals and the search for this magic pill just alters their perception leading to a lack of